Drop-load Case Packer For Bags
● 袋子落差式装箱机是一兼容性强,可适用不同规格纸箱的装箱机,将叠层整列好的袋子移载到纸箱的上方;
● 根据装箱要求,能自动将产品整理叠层排列;
● 产品自动整列后通过定位装置保证被包装产品落入纸箱;
● 通过落箱缓冲装置实现柔性落箱,装箱后有震动压包装置,使箱子内的产品更加平整;
● 本机采用日本三菱PLC+触摸显示控制,设有缺箱报警装置,无袋不装箱的安全保护;
● 自动落差式装箱机应用范围广,占地面积小,性能可靠,操作简单,能广泛应用于化工、医药、制盐、食品、饮料等行业的各种产品的全自动高速装箱。
● SH-ZX03-2 is designed to load a wide range of bags into the erected case accurately by the servo-driven.
● When the bags are loaded into the case, the vibrating device will make the bags flattened and then discharge the cases to a conveyor for sealing.
● It's capable of speeds up to 140 bags per minute.
● Full safety interlocked guarding. Insufficient coming will be stopped.
● Easy to program, maintain consistent operation, increase productivity and reduce labor costs.